
This season is currently underway. I am leading the team in the position of a co-captain to design, build and race an fsae-spec racecar with our first aerodynamics package. My role includes overseeing the main technical decisions, designing and implementing our aerodynamics subsystem, and managing our team's finances.


During the 2023 season, I led the vehicle dynamics team to design and manufacture our suspension systems. This including our wheel packages, anti-roll bars, suspension linkages, etc. We successfully designed and implemented our system with OptimumK and Solidworks. Learn more about the process here.

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My first season with the team was the 2022 season as a freshman. During the fall I worked on a range of smaller projects including redesigning our chain guard and clutch handle. During the spring, I was in charge of overseeing the manufacturing of all suspension related components. Most notably the production of the wheel spindles.

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